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In 2018 the plant in Swindon produced roughly a tenth of all passenger cars produced in the UK that year.

Unite the Union claims to have devised a plan for Honda to remain in Swindon with public money looking likely to back the project.


The plan involved remodelling the plant, making it fit to produce electric cars. Honda denied the plan, and stuck to their guns.

“Instead we have this body blow which is nothing short of a betrayal of the workforce, customers and the wider supply chain which relies on Honda Swindon for work," said Des Quinn, national officer at Unite the Union.

In 2018 the UK produced 1,519,440 cars. For comparison, the rest of the EU produced 14,631,382. That makes the UK responsible for over 10 percent of the EU's totalt production output.

81 percent of UK produced cars are exported. 51 percent of UK produced cars are exported to other EU countries.

Car manufacturing accounts for 12 percent of the UK's annual export.

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